
Commemorating the birth of Prophet Muhammad

Dear everyone. This year Mawlid an-Nabiy (the birthday of prophet Muhammad pbuh*) fall on Thursday, 28th September 2023. Before we proceed on sharing about the celebration, we would like to wish all those who are celebrating “Salam Mawlid An -Nabi.” Since Maulid an-Nabi is a public holiday for Kedah, we celebrated this day on Friday, […]

Unleashing Leadership AIUIS 2023

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th US President In any organisation, having good leaders can make huge different. Throughout the first week of school, AIUIS teacher selected students who exhibit excellent attitude, to become our students leaders; prefects, class monitors and assistant class monitor. Class monitors and assistant class […]

AIUIS Malaysia Day Celebration

Every year, Malaysians celebrate Malaysia day on the 16th of September. This year, AIU International School had a Malaysia Day celebration on Monday, 18th September. Prior to the event, students were advised to wear traditional costumes and attire in Jalur Gemilang’s colours; red, blue, white and yellow. As a results, we see many attractive costumes. […]

This image explains how our core values are changed into 5 Golden Rules
Five Golden Rules

This academic year, we, at AIU International School, are determined to better practice our core values. Therefore, we turned our 5As into 5 Bs. These 5 Bs will be known as our Five Golden Rules.   The image above shows how our core values are turned into our Five Golden Rules. We hope this will […]

First Days of School

We were really excited to welcome our students back to school on 6th September 2023. This academic year started with a First Days of School program . We prepared these programs to help student navigate better in academic year 2023/2024. Therefore, students were encouraged to participate actively in all the programs arranged by the teachers […]

A Life Full of Creativity

AIUIS CCA activities All play and no work makes Jack a dull boy. It’s good for children to concentrate on academics but it also results in stress and boredom. Hence, there is nothing better than to engage them in extracurricular activities to give them a much needed refreshing break from studies and restore their ability to […]

Selamat Hari Malaysia 2021!

Selamat Menyambut Hari Malaysia 2021 “We are all Malaysians. This is the bond that unites us. Let us always remember that unity is our fundamental strength as a people and as a nation,” Tunku Abdul Rahman.  Malaysia Day students project and activities :           

Congratulations Ruhan!

CONGRATULATIONSA big bravo to Ruhan a/l L.Yogeswaran (Year 5 ) for achieving “5 Years Ahead” in the Mathematics Programme at Primary 2 in Kumon Jalan Sultanah Sambungan Centre, Kedah, Malaysia with a ranking of 25 out 3625! Impressive!  

Maulidur Rasul Celebration

Friday, 30 October 2020 – ‘Maulidur Rasul Celebration’ organised by AIUIS Islamic Studies Dept. To lead the students to understand the background or the history of our beloved Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. Instilling the love of practicing the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.