
Commemorating the birth of Prophet Muhammad

Dear everyone. This year Mawlid an-Nabiy (the birthday of prophet Muhammad pbuh*) fall on Thursday, 28th September 2023. Before we proceed on sharing about the celebration, we would like to wish all those who are celebrating “Salam Mawlid An -Nabi.” Since Maulid an-Nabi is a public holiday for Kedah, we celebrated this day on Friday, […]

Courtesy Visit from Ministry of Education

AIU International School (AIUIS) received a courtesy visit from Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) on Wednesday, 14th October 2020.Mr. Farad Abdool Motalib gave his welcoming remarks to the guest and hoping this fruitful visit will give benefit to the AIUIS community and KPM.The guest were amazed and gave outstanding remarks on the school facilities and the […]

Online Award Ceremony

End of academic year 2019/2020, the school has organised an online award ceremony to appreciate students participation in online lessons as well as to celebrate students’ achievement during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Excellent students have been chosen in the following categories:1.Best online class attendance2.Most active participant3.Best video4.Outstanding students’ performance. The award ceremony lasted for […]